Our Company

HRCI, headquartered in Alexandria, VA, is the premier credentialing organization for the human resources profession. For 50 years, HRCI has set the standard for HR expertise and excellence around the globe. We believe our employees drive the success of our organization.

Average Employee Tenure - 5 years

We truly believe in celebrating and rewarding the dedication and contributions of our team members that they exemplify throughout their tenure with HRCI. Our team members are recognized for their service to the organization at various milestones (ex: 1 year, 3 years, etc.).


of staff are HRCI Certified


participation in professional development and education reimbursement

Company Benefits

HRCI encourages its employees to be healthy, happy, and thrive with their contribution towards success. To support this mission, HRCI offers competitive benefits to its full-time and part-time employees.

Healthy Lifestyle Benefits
Employee Assistance Program
Valuable 401K Employer Contribution
Generous Paid Time Off Plan
Flexible Work Schedules
Convenient Old Town Alexandria Location
Metro Accessible
Commuter Benefits