3 Signs It’s Time to Switch HR Tech Vendors

We’ve witnessed a lot of change in 2020. Whether navigating new laws and compliance or establishing infrastructure for remote work, your organization probably looks different than it did even six months ago. With so many changes happening at such a rapid pace, you need human resources technology that supports integration, automation and agility.

“If your current tech stack isn’t offering those kinds of features and functionality, that’s the time to switch,” suggests Muthu Hanu, SPHR, digital HR advisor at Leapgen. You need an HR tech vendor who can carry your workforce through rapid change. 

In 2020’s final quarter, it’s time to evaluate what direction your organization is taking next and whether your current HR tech stack can get you there. Here are some critical clues that it’s time for you to swap out HR tech vendors.

Data Silos Are Preventing Integration

You need an HR tech vendor that can bring together data from across the organization, Hanu says. If your compensation and performance management systems are siloed, for example, you can’t get a complete picture of how the two relate. 

Integrative capacities speed up the technology adoption process, too. “When you realize that technology doesn't work with this technology, what you thought you could accomplish in six months is going to take you another year,” says Linda Rubino, SPHR, HR business partner at Experience Projects Contracting. “Everything has to be parallel.” Technology integration is critical for data management during HR transformations and for your workforce analytics going forward.

Manual Data Entry Eats Up Excess Time

To work through change, HR needs to prioritize value-adding strategic functions. If manual data entry is occupying too much time, it might be time to switch vendors. “You employ people to conduct value-adding tasks,” Hanu says. “When they’re manually entering projections, that value add is gone.” Find a tech vendor that supports automation of low-touch tasks so you and your team can spend more time supporting strategic organizational goals.

Additionally, many tasks can now be handled by employees themselves via access to an online portal. Look for vendors that offer mobile-friendly interfaces so employees can manage their pay and benefits — for example, changing health insurance for a qualifying event — at their convenience. You want to offer a tool with a good user experience. Automation and empowering employees to manage low-touch tasks will free up time for HR to address big-picture organizational changes.

Your Current Tech Doesn’t Support Workforce Agility

The pace of change is faster than ever, and it’s only going to pick up from here. Does your current tech stack support workforce agility? If not, it might be time to look for a vendor who provides quick customer service and is responsive and adaptable in the face of change, Hanu suggests. You may not know whether your workforce will remain remote or adopt a hybrid model. You need HR technology that can support either option as your processes evolve.

Agile technology also helps you realize your investment much faster because vendors historically integrate technology in phases. Look for a vendor offering real-time configuration capabilities and incorporate agile principles during your own adoption phase.
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