HR Courses Online: 5 Classes to Support Workforce Well-Being

When human resources professionals fail to stay on top of the latest trends, there can be serious damage done to our employees. Forget productivity—it’s often a matter of their health and safety. This is a uniquely challenging time, as we confront everything from fostering diversity and inclusion to supporting workforce safety and mental health. If we hope to keep pace with these developments, we must embrace continuous learning.

Online HR courses can be a superb resource, providing targeted knowledge to address issues HR professionals experience in daily practice. Assuming, of course, you pick the right ones. Leading to the big question: Which courses do you need to become a better steward of employee happiness, health and safety?

Allow us to make some suggestions. Here are 5 HR courses online to take this year to help foster more inclusive, safe and healthy workplaces.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity, equity and inclusion have always been important, but this year there’s an even greater imperative to support DEI initiatives. Quite simply, this is a problem that now refuses to be ignored. Diverse voices are speaking out about unacceptable working conditions and how they are excluded in the workplace. HR professionals are ethically obligated to initiate change and to support the efforts of the DEI program leader.

Not to mention it’s basic good business. Failing to foster equity or elevate diverse talent opens you up to reputational risk with real costs; consumers today shop their conscience. The damage can be so severe a recovery becomes nearly impossible. After all, if you lack diversity, you need to attract diverse candidates. But with labor in high demand, why should candidates choose a company with a troubled history over one that has consistently proven itself committed to inclusion?

Take the Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace HR course online to learn how to support DEI in your practice.

Recruiting Multi-Generational Employees

Age diversity is frequently overlooked, but we’re at an inflection point for generational differences in the workplace. HR professionals have to manage cultural differences across four generations, from Baby Boomers and Gen X to Millennials and Gen Z. Younger employees tend to want more purpose and flexibility from their work, while older employees might be more drawn to stability and resources to support their transition to retirement.

Your task: Maintain an environment that is appealing to all of these individuals, so that you can recruit the top talent from every generation. Needless to say, market research is essential if you’re going to develop a brand that appeals across generations.

Take the Recruiting Multi-Generational Employees HR course online to learn how to attract age-diverse talent.

Promoting Employee Well-Being

Employee well-being has been at the forefront of HR for the past year, as HR professionals adapted work processes to maintain productivity while keeping employees safe in the midst of a global pandemic.

Now is the time to develop a comprehensive plan for long-term well-being, including physical safety, data security and mental health and wellness. Mental health is an especially hot topic due to the pandemic. Employers will be looking to your HR team for solutions. Your ability to provide them will have a major impact on your company’s future.

Take the Promoting Employee Well-Being HR course online to learn how to become a steward of workplace well-being.

Marijuana in the Workplace

Marijuana laws across the U.S. are changing. You need to know the legal landscape to prepare your organization. Whether you have employees in one state or in several across the country, HR professionals must understand the trends in laws governing marijuana use. Failing to do so may create an environment that is needlessly punitive and scares away candidates… or one where your workplace accidentally encourages illegal behavior.

Take the Marijuana in the Workplace HR course online to learn how to develop drug policies for multi-state workplaces that comply with a patchwork of marijuana legislation.

Handling Workplace Violence

We’ve been through a polarizing last few years. Even remote workplaces aren’t immune from verbal threats and harassment, which can do lasting damage to workers. Employees in some industries, like healthcare or the service industry, are particularly prone to bullying and even outright violence from colleagues or the public.

Take the Handling Workplace Violence HR course online to learn how to optimize employee safety and minimize risks of violence to workforce health and well-being.

Limited time offer! Apply discount code BYESUMMER2021 during checkout for 15% off of our Learning Courses (excludes HRCI upSkills). Act now, this offer expires on August 31, 2021!

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