HR’s New Chapter Puts a Premium on Continuous Professional Development

Professional development is vitally important for human resource management practitioners in today’s agile marketplace. A new chapter for HR is developing, shifting HR’s focus from administrative functions to direct alignment with C-suite business goals and values.

New HR mandates, thankfully, are supported and seen as vital by C-level leaders. In The Conference Board CEO Challenge 2017 report, global CEOs say that talent strategy concerns are at the top of the list of "hot button" issues.

HR Interconnected With Business

A call for HR’s transformation puts a premium on career-long professional development in a quickly changing field. New skills are required for organizations and HR leaders to collectively cross the chasm from traditional HR practices to those that:

  • Make HR the difference-maker in advancing external as well as internal business goals and objectives.
  • Find new ways for the HR professionals to interconnect across all major business functions.
  • Take full advantage of the knowledge, skills and strategies that HR can bring to meet new business demands.

In short, there has been much advancement in HR professional competencies and best practices. We must now grasp the much more exponential value of strong HR teams and people-driven organizations with strategic HR advantages embedded throughout.

Enterprise-Wide Professional Development in HR

Recent innovations from HRCI are designed to help move the HR function forward and to produce the best results for individuals and organizations. HRCI enterprise solution includes:

  • Pre-assessment of HR knowledge and competency.
  • A suite of seven HR certifications – from beginner to global expert – to keep HR professionals on the path to continuous development.
  • Recertification incentives and learning opportunities to support commitment to the HR profession.
  • Flexible learning through multiple continuous learning channels, including online and in-person sessions.
  • Year-round certification testing.
  • Group discounts.
  • Organization-wide certification of workplace practices through Top Employers Institute, a recognition of global leadership in HR practices that help employees advance.

HRCI will continue to stays on top of the human resource management trends that are putting the function in the bullseye of business results and innovation. A community of HR leaders in more than 100 countries, HRCI continuously strives to strengthen and advance the value and impact of HR. Through this global community businesses and HR leaders, professional development opportunities abound.

Please visit the HRCI website for more information about individual certification and team certification options.

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