Service Comes First: An Interview with Shaun Edwards

Service has always been an important value for Shaun Edwards, the military outreach relations officer at HRCI. We sat down to talk with her about how her experiences in the military have helped shaped her professional career, how she approaches service and leadership, and how she contributes her unique skills and knowledge to the HRCI community. 

How has your experience in the Army shaped your professional career?

Shaun EdwardsWhile serving in the military you are trained to become an effective and efficient leader. My military experience requires increased levels of critical thinking, decision making, accountability of personnel and the overall responsibilities to the organization. In this profession, your flexibility and resilience can help you accomplish any task put before you.

Although it’s great to take the lead, it’s even better to be humble. Those around you have much to contribute; do not dismiss their efforts, but encourage them to expand their skills and creative thinking. You can learn a great deal from others!

Why were you interested in the role of senior human resources sergeant?

What initially piqued my interest in the HR career field was the ability to thoroughly assist people. There was always something meaningful to be able to serve and provide outstanding service and compassion to those who need assistance. At the age of 15, I was selected to work in the main office at Liberty-Eylau Elementary in Texas (alongside an HR generalist), assisting the principal and vice principal with phone calls, recordkeeping, filing and scheduling. During my tenure I knew I wanted a career in human resources.

What skills have you attained from your basic leaders courses that helped you in your various positions?

I have learned time management, communication, social skills and respect. Although some of the skills mentioned were not necessarily within the lesson plan(s), as a professional you learn to navigate what works best for you. Managing an organization requires the ability to know your staff, their strengths and their weaknesses, while providing support to your superiors and clients. If there are 250 people within the organization, each person and situation should be treated on a case-by-case basis.

Overall, how will your previous experiences help you at HRCI?

With the training and professional experiences that I have gained throughout the course of my Army career, it is a plus when it comes to working at HRCI. There are various positions in military service that require you to work closely with civilians and you must be able to convey your message and get the point across.

There are aspects of my career that can be applied and translated through non-government entities. My previous education will provide a better understanding of what is expected during my time at HRCI and properly prepare me for advanced positions in my Army career.

What skills or experiences do you hope to obtain from your role at HRCI?

During my tenure I hope to expand my professional development and contribute my skills and knowledge to the HRCI community. I truly enjoy my career in the U.S. Army, and working for HRCI will allow me to view human resources from a different perspective.

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